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What is Future Tense? Definition and Examples

Future tense short definition: The future tense states movements that have not yet happened or that will transpire at a future time.

What is Future Tense in English?

What does future tense mean? The future tense of verbs states activities or movements that have not yet occurred and that will occur at some point in the future.

Forms of Future tense.

There are four forms of the future tense. They include:

              Simple future
     You will eat
              Future progressive
     You are eating
              Future perfect
     You will have eaten
              Future perfect progressive
     You will have been eating

 Types of Future Tense

What is a future tense verb? Here are the four future tenses in English. We have explanations and examples of each so you can learn past tense.

What is the Simple Future Tense?

What does simple future mean? The simple future tense states movements that will arise.

What is the Future Progressive?

What does future progressive mean? The future progressive expresses movements that will be ongoing (actions that the subject will be in progress doing) at some point in the future.

What is the Future Perfect Tense?

What does future perfect tense mean? The future perfect tense states activities that will be over at some point in the future or those that will be ended before another future occasion.
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