Tips to improve your synonyms
A synonym may be a word having an equivalent or nearly an equivalent meaning as another word or a phrase. Antonyms are words which have the other (or nearly opposite) meaning. For example: new and old.Words that are synonyms are mentioned as being synonymous, and therefore the state of being a synonym is named synonymy.
A thesaurus may be a resource almost like a dictionary that helps writers to look synonyms - as a tool to compose a verbose and scintillating text. This list provides some samples of commonly employed synonyms.
Utilizing synonyms is a chic and regularly applied method to to form a text more pleasant to read. If an equivalent word is employed fairly often in several sentences, it'd alright be the case, that this same word should describe something different in each of the sentences. Since synonyms are usually nuanced variations with slightly different meanings, their use will emphasize special characteristics, and thus the text are going to be more precise.
List of Synonyms
ActionCome — advance, approach, arrive, near, reach
Go — depart, disappear, fade, move, proceed, recede, travel
Run — dash, escape, elope, flee, hasten, hurry, race, rush, speed, sprint
Hurry — rush, run, speed, race, hasten, urge, accelerate, bustle
Hide — conceal, cover, mask, cloak, camouflage, screen, shroud, veil
Move — plod, go, creep, crawl, inch, poke, drag, toddle, shuffle, trot, dawdle, walk, traipse, mosey, jog, plug, trudge, slump, lumber, trail, lag, run, sprint, trip, bound, hotfoot, high-tail, streak, stride, tear, breeze, whisk, rush, dash, dart, bolt, fling, scamper, scurry, skedaddle, scoot, scuttle, scramble, race, chase, hasten, hurry, hump, gallop, lope, accelerate, stir, budge, travel, wander, roam, journey, trek, ride, spin, slip, glide, slide, slither, coast, flow, sail, saunter, hobble, amble, stagger, paddle, slouch, prance, straggle, meander, perambulate, waddle, wobble, pace, swagger, promenade, lunge
Do — execute, enact, carry out, finish, conclude, effect, accomplish, achieve, attain
Have — hold, possess, own, contain, acquire, gain, maintain, believe, bear, beget, occupy, absorb, fill, enjoy
Use — employ, utilize, exhaust, spend, expend, consume, exercise
Get — acquire, obtain, secure, procure, gain, fetch, find, score, accumulate, win, earn, rep, catch, net, bag, derive, collect, gather, glean, pick up, accept, come by, regain, salvage
Keep — hold, retain, withhold, preserve, maintain, sustain, support
Put — place, set, attach, establish, assign, keep, save, set aside, effect, achieve, do, build
Take — hold, catch, seize, grasp, win, capture, acquire, pick, choose, select, prefer, remove, steal, lift, rob, engage, bewitch, purchase, buy, retract, recall, assume, occupy, consume
Make — create, originate, invent, beget, form, construct, design, fabricate, manufacture, produce, build, develop, do, effect, execute, compose, perform, accomplish, earn, gain, obtain, acquire, get
Break — fracture, rupture, shatter, smash, wreck, crash, demolish, atomize
Destroy — ruin, demolish, raze, waste, kill, slay, end, extinguish
Kill — slay, execute, assassinate, murder, destroy, cancel, abolish
Cut — gash, slash, prick, nick, sever, slice, carve, cleave, slit, chop, crop, lop, reduce
Fall — drop, descend, plunge, topple, tumble
Fly — soar, hover, flit, wing, flee, waft, glide, coast, skim, sail, cruise
Decide — determine, settle, choose, resolve
Help — aid, assist, support, encourage, back, wait on, attend, serve, relieve, succor, benefit, befriend, abet
Mark — label, tag, price, ticket, impress, effect, trace