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English antonyms

Antonyms Now you can improve your antonyms  

Definition of Antonyms

An antonym may be a word meaning the other of another word. as an example , the antonym of 'hot' could also be 'cold.' the basis words for the word 'antonym' are the words 'anti,' meaning 'against' or 'opposite,' and 'onym,' meaning 'name.'

In order to raised understand antonyms, let's take a glance at what the word 'synonym' means. A synonym may be a word that features a similar aiming to or precisely the same meaning as another word. Synonyms and antonyms are precisely the opposite.

Why Are Antonyms Important?

Oddly enough, to raised understand the meaning of a word, we will take a glance at its antonym, or opposite meaning. as an example , take the word 'morose.' The definition of 'morose' is 'gloomily or sullenly ill-humored.' Sometimes, even reading a definition isn't enough to offer us an entire understanding of a word. Most dictionaries provide synonyms and antonyms, as well.

For instance, here are a couple of listed synonyms for the word 'morose:' 'moody,' 'sour,' 'sulky.' Also, here are a couple of antonyms: 'cheerful' and 'optimistic.' Now we all know that the other of 'morose' is cheerful and even optimistic! Taking a glance at both the synonyms and antonyms really provides us with a clearer definition.

Using Antonyms in Writing

Sometimes, we grind to a halt when trying to settle on the simplest word during a sentence, or we tend to use an equivalent words too often. as an example , we'd be trying to find a word meaning the other of 'courageous,' but we would like to settle on a special word than 'scared.' Let's combat the antonym challenge and see if we will find a far better word!

When we search the word 'courageous' and scroll right down to the list of antonyms, we see words like: 'chickenhearted,' 'cowardly,' and 'gutless.' These words are more vivid than the word 'scared,' and by using more vivid words in our writing, we improve our writing.

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